Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy Easter!

Pax Christi vobiscum! Come Holy Spirit!

A quick side note to begin: I thought about titling this post "A New Post," and then simply having the text read, "April Fools." But I didn't think that would be in the spirit of Easter. So instead I'm going to tell you about how I got to go skydiving above Vatican City....

April fools.

Okay, now that I've got that out of my system, a real post.

Wow, well I hope your Easter has been as grace-filled as it has been around here. So much has been happening. We had a beautiful Holy Week as well as beautiful Easter Triduum liturgies in the seminary, and then I was able, along with 25 or so other seminarians, to visit Ars, France, for a retreat. And if you didn't know, Ars is the town where St. John Vianney lived and moved and had his being. The whole town of Ars was converted by this parish priest's constant prayers and holy witness to the love of Christ. Did you know that later in his life, he would sit in the confessional for 14 hours a day, listening to countless confessions? (I would at least need a nice seat cushion.) It was amazing to see his confessional and the stone floor with grooves in it on which walked the thousands of penitents on their way to confess their sins. They literally wore the stone down over time. Holy erosion, Batman!

Just being on a retreat in France (which I also found very appropriate...retreating and France just go hand in hand...sorry to the French among you) was a gift in itself. Having the chance to discern in such a beautiful countryside, in a country with such a rich Catholic history, so close to the Patron Saint of parish priests...deep sigh. Praise God for His many gifts. It also really helped my discernment to read about and walk in the footsteps (literally) of this great Saint who lived his priesthood so well. In his own words (get ready), St. John Vianney said, "The priesthood is the love of the heart of Christ." If that statement doesn't pack a spiritual wallop I don't know what does. As a priest, God-willing, I hope to bring that love to the people I am called to serve. Start praying...now...a lot. Thank you.

But seriously. And pray for your parish priests. As we heard on our retreat, "There are no bad priests, only priests who are not prayed for." Another power-packed statement. Priests hang on every prayer you offer for them, so please, please, please, PRAY for them and for those on their way (not mentioning anyone specifically). Thank you, and God bless you for the sacrifices you make for them.

Well, until next time, Dieu ti benedique (pardon my French)!

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