Friday, April 18, 2008

Dad's on a Business Trip

Come Holy Spirit! Pax Christi vobiscum!

So I don't know how closely you've been following the news, but our Holy Father has left the Vatican...and gone on a business trip to the States. It really is kind of weird. Being over here, Pope Benedict has become a real father to us. Having him away, then, is really like having your dad leave for business. There's just something odd about thinking he's not in his rooms there just above the Piazza di San Pietro.

But, I am PUMPED for you all back home, who get to see just how wonderful, humble, brilliant, and holy a man the Holy Spirit has selected for our Holy Father. He is exactly who we need right now, and his two primary concerns: showing us God and loving us back to Him. Tune in to the broadcasts online at or on any of the news networks. Just remember that they're not all going to cover everything he says.

I ask that you pray for our Holy Father during this visit, and even more, I ask that you pray for our nation. He is a great source of hope to everyone, Catholics and non-Catholics alike...and it shows. Check the Dow-Jones. I'm not saying anything with utter certainty; but what I will say is that he arrived last Tuesday, and the stock market has climbed everyday since then. Coincidence? ...or Providence?

Well, God bless you all as you seek Him during this Easter Season! Thank Him for everyday!

Easter Season Reflection (remember, it's still Easter until Pentecost): Easter Sunday was the one day the Son rose before the dawn.

Easter Homework, a.k.a. Random Act of Kindness: Hold the door open for someone...and not just someone you would like to go to lunch with later (I'm talking to you, young men). To Kick it up a Notch, pray for them as they pass through the door.

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