Wednesday, March 12, 2008

An Epic Faith!

Pax Christi vobiscum! Come Holy Spirit!

Well, I just came across this great video that one of the priests here at NAC pointed out to me. It is incredibly well done, and it is super-charged with the truth of the Faith. Please check it out. It's well worth it, and if you needed a jump start to your own faith, this will help. If you do have questions afterwards, I suggest that you visit their main cite:

Here is the video:

Happy Viewing, and God bless you as you seek the Truth!

(Two posts in one day...don't think I'm setting a standard.)


maresa said...

wow. i love the epic faith video clip too, but the one about seeing the movie of your life really got me. looks like an awesome Catholic website. thanks for sharing Paolo!

Chinh Ngo said...

Paul, great stuff buddy. Man, I love this organization! This is very very professionally done. I'm glad we have so much talent in the Church, now I can use this to reach out to more lost souls.

Paolo said...

Amen, brother, keep up the good work! And you are welcome, sister. God bless you both!