Sunday, November 11, 2007

Get Out and Live!

Come Holy Spirit! Peace of Christ be with you!

Wow, what a day! First, starting off with Mass, which is always a great way to start a day, I felt a lot more peace than I have in a while, knowing that the Lord is working in and around me to bring me closer to Him. It's nice just to sit back and let Him do the work for a change--still working on it though (I'm the patient who keeps waking up on the operating table--if only God would give me the scalpel...but when it comes to surgery, God is a cut above the rest).

Well, from there I met my friend Eric and his friend Matt who are studying abroad at A&M's campus here in Italy. It was great to see a familiar face from back home. Eric and I were actually in Fish Aides, a freshman leadership organization back at A&M together. So it was a real treat to be able to connect.

After we grabbed a good ole American (pronounced " 'merican") style brunch at the Seminary here, we all departed for St. Peter's Square out in front of the Basilica. There we awaited the Pope's appearance at his apartment window, where he would deliver the Angelus address and then lead us in the Angelus (a traditional prayer concerning the angel Gabriel's announcement to Mary of God's desire to become flesh through her). But when I say, "awaited," I don't mean we just sat there--quite the opposite: we broke out our guitars and started singing some Praise and Worship songs. Yes, you may re-read if you like...I got to play guitar (and people didn't leave) in front of St. Peter's. After the Angelus and Apostolic Blessing, we continued to play for 30 minutes or so. It was something else! Praise God...wait, we did. Ha. ...Okay, sorry.

I share all of this to say that it was a truly powerful experience, and you could tell that people just want some of the joy that we were experiencing in that moment (there were also about 20 Steubenville students praising with us, and they know how to's what they do). And all of this came about because we were living what we believe, thanks to the grace of God.

And that's just it: God has awesome adventures planned for our lives. Adventures. God just wants to write a story with our lives, and it will be the best possible story that could be written for us. Yes, it will be difficult at times--part and parcel of Adventure. Yes it will be uncertain at others--Adventure yet again. And yet it will be easier and more certain than any other life that we could live, for God is the author of it, and God's the best story-teller there is (the Bible anyone? Oh wait, we're Catholic...just kidding...but seriously read it).

Honestly, though, who doesn't love a good story? Now why do you think that is? And what if you could be living a great story? I'm going to ask you to do something here, so follow me if you will. This may be too much for some of you at this point, but that's okay; we are all at different points along the road. But please give this a shot.

Try to say this prayer: God, I want to have a life worth living. We all do. But I know that only in You will I find the life I truly want to live. At least, I think I know that. I also know that You are patient, O Lord, and Your hand is always there guiding me on the path I should go. So with the strength I have, however small it may be, I ask you, help me to surrender to You and to let You be the author of my life. Then I will have all I can ever desire and more, for You alone are Lord.

Just remember that living an adventure is not always easy, but it's worth it. I promise you that. Know that you are in my prayers as you take this step, and please keep me in yours. We all need support on our way. May God bless you and give you His Peace that are ours in Christ!

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