Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Story and More...

Pax Christi vobiscum! Come Holy Spirit! God is good!

Okay, okay, okay, I know...I promised stories. So this will be the first in a several part installment of those stories, with some pictures here and there. I'm sorry for stringing you along...but it's just so fun!

Well, where to start? The beginning? I'm glad we agree.

As you may know, some of my last posts came from the land down under ("you betta run, you betta take cover"). But I think all I gave you was some of the lingo and the next thing you knew I was writing you from Singapore, possibly not in the best of moods.

So now I want you to hear some of the amazing graces I received while in Australia. Well, one of those amazing graces came in the form of World Youth Day, the single largest gathering of Catholic Youth in the world, and it happens every three years in a different location. This year was Sydney, Australia, and in 2011 it will be in Madrid, Spain. So every part of the world gets to experience a little of the grace.

As for World Youth Day, just imagine the biggest rock concert you could possibly conceive of, including people from all over the world, throw in the Pope, extend it over a week's time, focus it all on Jesus, and you've got the event pretty well pictured. The city was literally flooded with pilgrims, romping through the streets, flags from every nation waving in those Southern hemisphere winds, and all of them were singing, laughing, and trying to outdo the other groups chants, yells, and songs. It was truly a joyous occasion. I think we rocked Sydney's world (not to mention boosting their business for a week).

Well, in the course of that week, some awesome things happened. For one, I got to meet up with my little bro, Kevin. It was really great getting to see him...from my clearly superior vantage point, being that I'm still taller than he is. I like to think that he looks up to me in multiple ways.

But honestly, it was a blessing to catch up after not seeing him for 7 months or so. And the whole group of Jesuit guys that I joined up with are great guys. They all have a lot to offer: so many gifts, great senses of humor, and they are really trying to think it all through and be good men. I told them as much while I was with them. It was just plain inspiring to see, and I'm thankful for my time with them. They don't know this yet, but I've submitted all of their names to the Diocese of Dallas for their own good...I mean, uh...pray for vocations.

Now, I also should mention that on the second day of the official WYDSYD2008 events, we had catechesis at one of the Jesuit schools in the area. That day, as it turns out, Steve Angrisano was our music leader, helping to get all of us awake and focused for the early morning session. He was also accompanied by Tony Melendez, the toe-pickin' guitarist. It was an awesome way to kick off the session.

As it turns out, though, my brother noticed an empty drumset on stage. He mentioned something to the effect that I was a drummer with no drumset and there, lo and behold, sat a drumset with no drummer. So I casually strolled up to the stage, cleric-clad and all, asking the man running the stage if I could sit down at the set. He said, "Go for it!" So I dropped down on the throne (that's really what drummers call it) and joined in. Mr. Angrisano later introduced me to the auditorium of teens, saying, "If you go to seminary, they teach you how to play drums like this." Honestly, you never know how God wants to use your gifts to reach people. God willing, a few young men just might think a bit more about seminary as a result.

And then just to let you know, I think I ran into someone I knew everyday, either from Saint John Vianney Seminary, the North American College, St. Ann's, or from A&M. It was just awesome the way it all played out. God is good!

So that might be a good refresher to get the stories flowing. Thank you for any and all prayers you have offered for us seminarians. I tell you God has been at work in our lives. Many graces.

And I couldn't let you go without a picture or two from our time there, with more to come of course.

Kevin, Sydney, and I.

An artsy view of our group crossing the bridge. Nice shooting, Kev.

Even St. Aloysius was there.Kevin, Danny, and I with our host family.

Alright, more to come. Thank you for your patience. God bless you, and please keep us in prayer. Ciao for niao!

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