Saturday, December 13, 2008

Redundant Reiteration of a Statement Previously Made Already

Pax Christi vobiscum! Come Holy Spirit!

"God loves you. God loves you. God loves you, and God will never stop loving you."

I have heard that Archbishop Nienstadt of the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis uses these words often to begin his homilies, and I thought they were worth repeating. Even worth repeating again and again.

So I just wanted to put them up here as a reminder to all of us that God does in fact love you, without conditions, constraints, or limits. His Love for you is boundless. And it is His Love for you, for us, that was born on Christmas Day, and really every day since then.


And then as a brief story: The other day I sat down in the Chapel, getting ready to pray Evening Prayer with the rest of our community. The only problem was that I did not have my breviary with me (that's the prayer book that seminarians and priests pray out of each day), not because I had forgotten but because some seminarian had stolen it...but if he was that desperate to pray, who was I to be upset?

So anywho, I didn't have my breviary with me at prayer, and I thought I'd just look on with someone. Thank goodness that someone plopped down right next to me, and can you guess who it was? None other than the famous biographer of John Paul II as well as esteemed Catholic author, George Weigel. Only in Rome.

(NOTE: The link I have pasted here takes you to his blog, which looks suspiciously like my own. Well, if he can steal my style, I suppose I'll just change the title of my blog to Witness to Pope.)

(FURTHER NOTE: Unless you already know George Weigel's books, that joke may not be funny to you.)

(FURTHEST NOTE: Even if you know George Weigel's books, that joke may not be funny to you.)

Thank you for taking the time to read. I have been thinking about you all a lot lately, and I just want you to know that I'm praying for you. God bless, and happy Advent Season!